Around one and a half years, three issues of the magazine until the project was finished.
What was it all about
My friend and namesake Marta Cantero is a journalist who wrote most of the articles. We worked together with a local politician who was the editor and investor.
What was my part
I got the texts from Marta and all the rest, including sending it online to the printer in the Canaries to be printed and distributed there, was my part.
PhotographyImage editingText correctionsTypographyLayoutIllustrationInfographicsPreparation for Print
Adobe IllustratorAdobe PhotoshopAdobe InDesign
What I learned
Working in a remote workflow more than ten years ago, and lots about typography, layout and print.
What I liked the most
Having freehand and trust from the others in the team to fully decide the appearance of the magazine. Being able to try many different things in the design.